Sunday, August 7, 2016

"Doctor Strange" Trailer Review

Doctor Strange is approaching very quickly. This film has been wrapped in mystery for a while, but information has gradually been coming out. That teaser trailer we got a few months back was very good. But now we have the first official trailer for this upcoming Marvel picture. So how is this film looking so far?

The trailer opens by giving us a little more of a glimpse at Dr. Stephen Strange's wealthy lifestyle. He dresses well, has a respectable job, plays the piano, and drives a nice car. Simultaneously, Tilda Swinton's character has a voice over, talking about different realities. This tells me that the filmmakers are fully embracing the magical opportunities that the property offers. We get a very cool shot of Strange backing up into an invisible wall that dissolves and seemingly transports him somewhere else.

Marvel then unveils a brand new studio logo that resembles a kaleidoscope design. I am almost certain that the logo will be exclusive to this film, and it is very fitting. There is some mind-bending imagery shown, further cementing this Marvel installment as a unique entry. Swinton continues her narration, talking about how people like her are able to warp reality and travel great distances through magical means. She continues to use the word "we," making me curious to know how many spell-casters we will see in this movie.

Next, we see the beginning of Strange's training. There is a large number of people outside the temple moving in synchronization, with Strange attempting to follow. The Ancient One asks Strange how he became a doctor, to which he responds, "Study and practice; years of it." This is a great line that is played over a scene of him opening an incantation book and learning how to use magic to surprising effect. Master Wong asks Baron Mordo if Strange is ready. Ready for what though? This worries me because it sounds a lot like a prophecy, and I despise pre-told storytelling. I really hope this film does not take the prophecy route.

Dr. Strange eyes the Cloak of Levitation sitting in a glass case, which is an iconic part of his outfit. The trailers are really building up that article of clothing. There is a great shot of Strange walking towards three windows doors that each lead to a different environment. Shots like these ensure that there will be a bevy of creativity on display. We get a closer look at the villain and a hint to his past with the line "Stronger men than you have lost their way." The makeup on Mads Mikkelsen looks great, and I am sure he will give a good performance, but I am not sold on the villain quite yet. He does not seem to threatening and we know nothing about him.

After that, the trailer offers some more reality-altering visuals that look stunning. Seeing the villains jump across the buildings that are moving and transforming is strikingly spectacular. I have a strong feeling that this will be the third act of the film. This is too epic to be anything other than the stage for the final confrontation, with New York caving in on itself. There is a sweet shot of Strange putting on the cloak; he seems to throw it and it wraps itself around him. It is very short but visually impressive nonetheless. The trailer ends with a very good joke. What upsets me is that it is in this trailer in the first place. This could have been a great surprise in the theatre. But if the rest of the humor is anything like this, then there are sure to be some good laughs.

Those are my thoughts on the recent Doctor Strange trailer. There are quite a number of new scenes as well as extended parts to moments we have seen before. This really does not feel like a Marvel movie, and I am glad that the tone and feel is so radically different. The visuals look amazing and the Benedict Cumberbatch definitely looks the part. The trailers are still keeping his portrayal quite secret though. This is a very good trailer that delivers on the high anticipation of fans.

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