Sunday, August 7, 2016

"Justice League" Trailer Review

One biggest films of 2017 will undoubtedly be Justice League, the tentpole film for Warner Bros. This is the movie that will determine whether the DCEU is here to stay. After the massive critical backlash of Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, Warner Bros. has taken note to make Justice League more lighthearted. So then, does this trailer show us a massive change in tone for the cinematic universe?

The trailer begins with Bruce Wayne telling the story of a mysterious man from the sea who brings fish to the village. Ben Affleck is sporting a very bushy beard, which raises some questions about the timeline. Just how long does it take for him to assemble his team?  The man he speaks of is Aquaman of course, and Jason Momoa looks awesome as the Atlantean. We then see a flashback to medieval times where knights are burying what I believe is a Mother Box. For those who do not know, Mother Boxes are alien technology capable of many things and will be playing a big role in the DCEU. One of them is responsible for giving Cyborg his titular characteristics.

Affleck gives a voiceover explaining how he is building a team of extraordinary people. This dialogue is inter-cut with shots of the eventual members of the Justice League. Aquaman is being built-up as a really tough personality, which should prove interesting when he interacts with Batman. Gadot still looks good as Wonder Woman, though I am still iffy on her acting. We receive a very brief shot of Ray Fisher as Victor Stone/Cyborg, wearing a Gotham City University football jacket.

However, we are introduced to the scene stealer at this point; Ezra Miller as Barry Allen/The Flash. The dialogue given to him is cleverly written and very fitting for the character. Just about everything he says is meant as a joke and the humor hits its mark. Bruce Wayne and Diana Prince have a really great exchange when talking about Aquaman. The "more or less" bit is simply fantastic. It is a smaller moment, but it still manages to stick out in this trailer. Also, by now you will have noticed the music. Fans of Justice League: Unlimited will be very pleased with the song choice. "Icky Thump" by the White Stripes bears an uncanny resemblance to the theme from that animated series.

Next, the trailer cuts back to Barry Allen's warehouse, where Bruce throws a batarang at him. We get to see Barry use his speed to dodge it, put it together that Bruce Wayne is Batman, and catch the batarang. Bruce is just about to lay out a speech he has had planned; but just before he can get started, Barry accepts the offer, stating that he needs friends. This entire sequence is hilarious, further cementing the idea that Justice League will carry a lighter tone than the previous DCEU films. So far, the Flash is winning me over.

After this, we get to see everyone in-costume, minus Aquaman. Batman and Wonder Woman look just as good as they did in Batman v Superman. I am not a big fan of the Flash's design. The intention was for it to appear like armor, but it just looks like cheap plastic to me. There are interesting design choices on it, like the wires to keep the plates from moving, but I am not entirely on board with the costume yet. Cyborg's design is awful in my opinion. He has too many sharp angles and the effects look terrible. Perhaps this is the result of unfinished CGI-work, which is plausible, seeing as how the film is still well over a year away. I really hope that is the case. Batman delivers a funny quip just before the main title appears. The final shot is of Bruce still trying to convince Aquaman to join.

This is not exactly an official trailer, but more like an accumulation of completed footage. Either way, I think Justice League is shaping up to make a big splash come 2017. The writing seems polished and Ben Affleck is definitely having a lot of fun. Aquaman and the Flash are proving to be very strong characters. However, Cyborg is still left as a mystery. In addition, there is no sight or mention of Superman at all. I was not expecting anything about Superman anyway, but I am beginning to wonder how much he will feature in this first Justice League film. The music is beyond perfect for this trailer, being one of the major takeaways. This is my favorite trailer to have come out of Comic-Con this year. I thoroughly enjoyed this mixture of footage and I am stoked for Justice League.

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